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The Sauce Shop Worcester

The Sauce Shop
175 Bath Road

Telephone: 07837 948569


Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 9am - 7:30pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 6:30pm

Phwoar Koff & Dai


Ths is hot. Proper hot. Made with fresh pineapple, pinepple juice, Habanero, Bhut Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpion and Carolina Reaper chillies this would normally pack a decent punch. To add a little more fuel to the fire though, we’ve added in a healthy dose of 9,000,000 SHU chilli extract.

We really wouldn’t reccomend using this product  as a condiment, but more an ingredient. A little really does go a long way.

Vegetarian and Vegan friendly.

New label designed by Rory ‘ToTheCore’ Petts. Watch out for more coming soon…

By clicking to purchase this item you are agreeing to the terms of our disclaimer below…


Disclaimer: Due to the extremely hot nature of this product, I agree that it shall only be used as a food additive. This product can cause serious injury if directly consumed, ingested and/or applied to the skin, eyes, or any other bodily organs. This product will be used at my own risk, and I fully understand the potential DANGER if handled improperly. If I give this product to a third party, I will make the recipient fully aware of the potential danger if handled improperly, or directly consumed. I hereby release, disclaim, and relinquish Chilli of the Valley, its affiliates, its employees, its suppliers, distributors and/or manufacturers of any and all claims, actions and/or lawsuits that I, or any of my dependents, heirs or family members may have relating to any damage and/or injury that results, or is alleged to have resulted, from the use, consumption, ingestion, and/or contact of any bodily part or organ of or from this product. At the time of purchasing it, I am not inebriated or impaired in any way, and I am fully able to make a sound decision about the use of my purchases from Chilli of the Valley and Marks Hot Stuff.

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Marks Hot Stuff

175 Bath Road, Worcester WR5 3AQ
07837 948569 |

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